Написи за Избори од јануари, 2011
Судан: Одбројување до референдумот за отцепување на Јужен Судан
Southern Sudan will hold a referendum on whether or not it should remain as a part of Sudan on 9 January 2011. It is most likely that Africa's largest country will split into two. Here's our latest roundup of blog posts about the referendum. Southern Sudan will hold a referendum on whether or not it should remain as a part of Sudan on 9 January 2011. It is most likely that Africa's largest country will split into two. Here's our latest roundup of blog posts about the referendum.
Белорусија: Денот на претседателските избори завршува со протести и остри мерки
December 19, the 2010 presidential election day in Belarus, ended in mass protests, arrests and violent clashes with the riot police in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Below is a small selection of citizen media reports on what happened.
Бугарија: Реакции на победата на Дилма Русев во Бразил
Brazil's President-elect Dilma Rousseff has been the subject of many conversations in Bulgaria, due to her Bulgarian roots. Ruslan Trad translates some of the online reactions.